Saturday, September 18, 2010

Random, Weird Stuff

Thus far, these have been the random, weird experiences and what have yous.

1. For some reason, some South Americans I have met feel like they could relate to me claiming our shared history of Spanish colonization. I have been called cousin, sister, and all sorts of relative. Who knew that colonization could still connect people in such way?

2. Disney unites all. The favorite Disney movie has been a great debate shared across all countries.

3. My name will never be pronounced correctly by anyone without an American accent.

4. Whenever I tell someone I am from California or the States, they do not really believe me. Then, I tell them that my parents were born in the Philippines and I get a sudden look of understanding. It does get annoying though when people keep asking me questions just to figure out what my ethnicity is. For many, I am the first "Filipino" person they have met (in "" because technically I was not born in the Philippines). I could expand on this, but can be quite boring in the typed out version.

5. I have been called "gringo" once in my travels. I thought that term only referred to white people.

6. I showered with handwashing soap for 10 days. On the same token, I used the same pair of socks for 4 days while trekking. Don't worry guys. Since then, I have bought more pairs of socks.

7. I fell in shit and threw away one pair of pants. Details consist of me mistaking cow dung as a rock. My other pair of pants got a huge hole in the crotch. I threw that away also. Not worth salvaging. That left me with no pants. I then bought 2 pants and 1 of them already now has a hole in the crotch. Great.

8. For a short time period, I thought I had lice. Then, my head stopped itching.

9. Bugs in my drink does not bother me as much. I just remove them and continue to drink.

10. I find that I get really annoyed by the know-it-all, the apathetic, and the hippie traveler. I also get annoyed by other types, but those are the main ones that I really cannot stand for too long of a time period.

11. Smiling and laughing get you far in life.

1 comment:

  1. 2. I hope you are singing "One Jump" to bring world peace.

    3. very interesting and I am certain a good thing despite its sad connotations of colonization.

    7. must be tough but thank you for the details ;)-keeps it human.

    10. thank you for putting this out there so true, so, so true, avoid at all costs and stick with locals and Thayers.

    11. laughing Jesus!
