Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Colombian Observations

Computer meltdown and this was supposed to be posted 6 days ago.

1. They love calling people or maybe me (yehahahha) Princesa.

2. Colombians are down right good people. This is in the general sense. Of course, every group has a bad crop, but everyone I have met has been so sweet. I spent a couple of nights in the Coffee Region in a small town called Salento. I stayed at Hostal La Casona de Lili. She and Sandra were such nice people. Everytime anyone would come in or out she would give us a big hug and welcome us home. It seriously felt like a home. Plus, her food is wickedly good. You know how in San Francisco people would tend to help you if you seem lost or anything, well, that's how it kind of is in Colombia, for the most part.

3. Colombians love to drink. There are street games where if you land a ring or something of that sort you get a shot!

4. My favorite street food would have to be empanadas. I love them. I can't get enough. That and churros.

5. Colombia is known for their fruit juices. Come here and get curuba juice. It is super sweet, but I have a sweet, major sweet tooth.

6. Colombian food typically comes with soup, juice, and a main course. Always order Menu del Dia (Speciality of the Day) because it is way cheaper. You can easily eat at a local restaurant for 5,000-7,000 Colombian pesos which is roughly $2.50-$4. Of course, if you are in the city or certain parts of a city, you could easily pay way more for food. In Bogotá, we lucked out and found a place for 2,500 Colombian pesos (about $1.50). What a steal! Couple nights I did splurge and ate for 28,000 Colombian pesos along with the booze which ended up being about 40,000 Colombian pesos ($22ish). Well worth it!

7. Colombia is a "do it yourself,""guide books suck," "ask around a lot" type of vacation. You get on a bus and you are more likely the only tourist on it. You walk around the city and maybe you spot a few other tourists up ahead and breathe a sigh of relief that the place you actually are at is a tourist spot. There are very few locations where the tourists run the city. Those are usually in very small towns. Of course, all the backpackers tend to stay in the same general region because that is what you hear about. You eventually see tourists, but more just once you are in the hostel or around that vicinity.

8. Do not be shy to talk to locals! From all the ones that I have talked to, they have all been very helpful and actually love tourists! They are happy that people are actually coming to visit Colombia.

*Just because I had an awesome time in Colombia does not mean that it is 100% safe every step you take. I am a very paranoid traveler (Lauren can attest to that). I do not like talking to strangers. I do not like drinking (to be absolutely drunk). I do not like walking around at night by myself. I guard my purse like it is my life. I check for my passport every so often. I rarely party. I am particular about who I actually talk to or go out with. I can spend a night inside reading a book. I am silent when I walk on the street. Unless, I am with a bunch of obvious looking foreigners or pack of locals, then I tend to speak up a bit. I am not that fun to travel with for the most part. I repeat, I am a very paranoid traveler.

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