Wednesday, May 22, 2013

street art.

Meaningful Action of the Day (MAD):
i love street art.
and i have mad respect for those who do it.
and for all those who make art into their living.
it's inspirational and part of me wishes i could do it myself.
not street art per se, but some sort of creative living!
i went over to bushwick earlier today to see my friend, brett, do his thang!

Realization Of the Day (ROD):
words do matter.
you may not think mentioning a random website can impact a person's life.
it can.
you may not think a hi and hello can change a person.
it can.
no matter how seemingly small you think your action is,
it has the power to shift and change people. and yourself!
when we see and realize what kind of impact we can make or have made,
it's a lovely gift and we are lucky to see those results.
most of the time, we never know.
so, i like to remind myself to keep on going and try to create ripples of smiles and laughter.

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