Thursday, May 30, 2013

helping Marn

Oopsies, I was supposed to post this yesterday. This is Wednesday's.

Helping Marnie bring a mirror to her apartment.

I am not an emotional person. Sure, I have feelings and what not, but I don't really react to what's happening around me that second. It takes me time to process and then after some time period I am either ecstatic, pissed, satisfied, annoyed, etc about that moment. And usually, I am also annoyed with myself that I didn't react appropriately. How can I get more in touch with my emotions? And feelings? Hmm...I mean if it something HUGE I definitely do feel pain and happiness, but sometimes when I feel like I should be feeling something, I just don't right away. Anyways, who is to say what I am supposed to feel and when, right? Just that sometimes I wish I could have said something, but that moment has passed and now it is too late. Ever get that feeling? Since I have such a delayed reaction, I am still going to start telling people what I felt even if it is so much time later...BETTER LATE THAN NEVER! yehahahah ok. let's do that.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

me in 3 words.

I am also spending the night at my friend Marnie and her girlfriend, Becky's place.
We played a little game!
1. I described myself in 3 words.
2. What I thought what others thought of me.
3. They each said what they think of me.

I wish I played that game before my interview. It sure made me feel awesome! yehahaha
My first second round interview in over a year. Yay! Made it to round 2! Whoop!

No matter how many interviews I have had and no matter how well I think I am well qualified, I still get nervous. I am a bit rusty in the interview and self-boasting skills. I need to take my own advice and get out of my head. I sometimes think too much....perhaps, you may say over think. I need to find some better relaxation techniques...maybe I do need to meditate more. Any suggestions?

Monday, May 27, 2013

miami memorial day weekend

I was in Miami from Friday and I just got back today, Memorial Day 2013!
Due to lack of posting abilities, I was unable to update ya'll on my Meaningful Action of the Day (MAD) and my Realization Of the Day (ROD).

I jotted them down and I bring them to you today!

FRIDAY (05/24)
Flying to Miami with friends!

It's all in your attitude. It was quite the trek to get to the airport. It was my first attempt at taking public transportation to La Guardia airport. It should have only taken an hour, but because of the mix of rain and Memorial Day Weekend it took me a little over 2 hours. I wasn't sure if I was going to make my flight!

It was rainy. I had no umbrella. There was ridiculous amounts of traffic. The bus was crowded. I met a man from Tennessee. His flight was cancelled the day before and he was hoping to get on a flight today. Now, he had a great attitude! He was a chatter box and told us all sorts of stories about his experiences in New York. He kept smiling and continued to chit chat with all of us around him. He said, "New Yorkers are nice! And sure I met a few crazies, but they are everywhere'...yehahaha, so true!

SATURDAY (05/25)
Swimming in the ocean.

Time outs are okay. Work isn't the only thing that should give value and meaning to my life. Sure, yes yes I know what matters is friends and family. The connections that you build with people. The experiences you have and share with others. Sometimes, you lose sight of that. I lose sight of that all the time. I have to remind myself that my value is not based on that pay check that arrives every 2 weeks. What I liked most about my previous job was the people I met. Definitely met some inspiring people who are really taking charge!

SUNDAY (05/26)
Eating Haitian food! The restaurant was painted with all sorts of murals and art! It was festive!!!

Places can transport you. What I mean by that is that a place and space can transport you to a  whole level of feeling. Ok, that sounds bizarre also...Hmm, basically, I can walk around somewhere and know that I am in Miami, but at the same time feel like I am in Nice or the Philippines. There were small resemblances, but it really elevated me to feel like I was truly on vacation. That I was on some island or some far destination. Yet, I was still in the States! This just made me realize how much more of the States that I do need to visit. Maine! New Mexico! Colorado!  MUST GO!

MONDAY (05/27)
Taking a nap. When your body is tired, embrace it! AND SLEEP!!!!

I need to stop eating just to eat. And, I need to buy more kale. I made a lot of kale chips today. It was because I am stressed prepping for an interview tomorrow. When I am stressed, I want to eat. I don't buy snacks because I would end up eating the whole bag. I did have kale though. And I made those into chips! yehahah a healthier alternative. Still, must learn self control!! Will work on that.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

doctor doctor!

Meaningful Action of the Day (MAD):
this week has been a lot of back to backs.
and today was no different.
i got a physical.
and then i got my eyes checked.
i was able to schedule these last minute appointments before my insurance runs out!
even got some prescription ray bans coming in 2 weeks.
don't worry, getting my teeth checked on tuesday! yayyy
now, that's being productive!

my bed awaits!

Realization Of the Day (ROD):
out of all the doctors i go to regularly,
i am most nervous to see the opthamologist.
i feel like i am taking a test.
and i want to get every single question right! yehahah
the other doctors i kind of just go in and tell them what's wrong or in pain.
and they do their thang.
with the eye guy, i need to report back those letters! yehahah

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

street art.

Meaningful Action of the Day (MAD):
i love street art.
and i have mad respect for those who do it.
and for all those who make art into their living.
it's inspirational and part of me wishes i could do it myself.
not street art per se, but some sort of creative living!
i went over to bushwick earlier today to see my friend, brett, do his thang!

Realization Of the Day (ROD):
words do matter.
you may not think mentioning a random website can impact a person's life.
it can.
you may not think a hi and hello can change a person.
it can.
no matter how seemingly small you think your action is,
it has the power to shift and change people. and yourself!
when we see and realize what kind of impact we can make or have made,
it's a lovely gift and we are lucky to see those results.
most of the time, we never know.
so, i like to remind myself to keep on going and try to create ripples of smiles and laughter.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

drag queen bingo!

Meaningful Action of the Day (MAD):

nuff said.

And, after keeping mindful of my MAD (Meaningful Action of the Day)
I started coming up with epiphany after epiphany...yehahah
ok, well maybe not thaat grand, but I did come to realize some new things about me!
And now, we have the Realization Of the Day or ROD! yehahaha

Realization Of the Day (ROD):
I have a new pet peeve.
When strangers walk at the same pace as me and there is plenty of room not to,
please either walk ahead or behind.
And when I speed up, that doesn't mean you should too!

Monday, May 20, 2013

eating 2 lunches.

Meaningful Action of the Day (MAD):
i ate back to back today.
was it worth it? oh yes.
clinton st. baking company maine blueberry pancakes with maple butter is a dream come true.
best pancakes i have ever had in my life.

before this delightful treat i had a glorious burger from prune.
i feel like this burger is underrated.
i had my doubts because it came on an english muffin,
but it had me at first bite!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

i just got laid off, now what?

I was laid off last week on Wednesday.

Day 0 - State of Shock
I had a feeling there was going to be lay offs, but I just didn't think I was going to be a part of it. Admittedly, I wasn't completely satisfied or fulfilled with my job, but it was good enough. I was getting paid well and I finally felt comfortable with what I was doing.
It was sad. It sucked. Yet, I was okay with it.

Day 1 - I am worried.
I was not worried that I wouldn't be able to find a job. I was worried about what I was going to do next.
I still need to weigh my options and I need some time to settle before I figure out what I am going to do next.
I do not want to make any rash decisions. So, I am going to soak in my emotions and see how the week plays out.

Day 2 - This is exciting!
Yay, I have options! Instead of seeing these options as a goliath of a decision, I'm taking it as time to explore! Trying to take this worry cloud and change it to excitement! See what I really want to do next and what makes me happy.
Being in my upper 20s, I don't want to just jump into anything. I am giving myself the freedom to relax and choose my next step. I feel so mature...yehahahah

I've decided that everyday til I find a job or am in my next move, I am going to post what I did that day that was meaningful.

Meaningful Action of the Day:
I finally visited my friend Mark's place in Brooklyn (whoop, Crown Heights!). He has lived there for a little over a year and I haven't seen it. I know, I know....BAD FRIEND! yehahaa
It's super cutesy with baby blue painting and great details off the Nostrand 3 stop.
Plus, I got to check out and eat at Gloria's. Oxtail with callaloo and mac&cheese on top of rice w/ beans...SOOOOOOOOOooOoOOooOO yummy!! Must visit again! Gloria's and Mark's that is!!! yehahahah