Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Culture Shock

Well, not really culture shock, but some things that I do not think I can or will get used to and some other things that I just lovelove.

1. If a guy answers the phone when I call the lobby, he usually says "bodyguard" or "guard." I chuckle to myself every time.

2. Not cleaning up after myself after eating at a fast food restaurant. I have to consciously remind myself.

3. Gravy and rice. So good. Now, why isn't gravy a condiment in the States? Well, at least not in California! We need to keep up with the times.

4. Hiring a driver, maid, assistant, or what have you makes everything so convenient. Granted it is not that cheap, but definitely affordable!

5. Dampa. Buy seafood or whatever you want at the market and go up the stairs to have it cooked fresh for you anyway you like it.

6. Polite people, but not so polite drivers. Filipinos are ultra nice when it comes to everything else besides driving.

7. I always feel awkward when I come back late at night. The guards say "Morning, mam!" I am usually drunk at that point and feel like a child coming home late.

8. Garlic fried rice should be available everywhere. The States again needs to catch on!

9. Turkey does not exist here. :( Or quite difficult to find.

That is all for now. I have to write down when I think of it because I am drawing a blank.

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