Apologies: This is long overdue as I never really talked about Argentina while I was in Africa. Internet was more expensive in Africa and also much slower. Apologies. Choripan!
Iguazu Falls:
First, if you ever go to Argentina, do not fly into Ezeiza Airport because you have to pay reciprocity visa fee. I forgot the exact price, but it is well over $100. I took a bus to Salta so I was able to avoid the fee. Salta is in the Northern part and a great place to party and see nature.
Second, if you do make your way to Argentina, you cannot skip Iguazu falls. Even if you have been to Victoria falls on the Zimbabwe and Zambia border, you MUST go to Iguazu Falls. Personally, I think it is better than Victoria Falls. During the dry season, there is hardly any water on the Zambian side because they use the water for power. Eco friendly and all, but I wanted to see some waterfalls raging.
I went to Argentina during spring into summer and the falls were pumping. We took a boat tour and that is the view from the boat. However, the boat tour is slightly pricey and you really do not have to do it. You could easily walk around and see similar views. The boat takes you under the St. Martin waterfalls and you get soaked. No way to avoid getting soaked. But, how awesome is this view!
St. Martin:
When I got to Iguazu Falls, it was very well organized and I felt like I was going to Disneyland. SO EXCITED! There are a ton of viewpoints and we spent the whole day there. This is a view from the top. Unreal.
Devil's Throat:
After touring around all sort of size waterfalls, we took the tram to take us to Devil's Throat. We did not know what to expect except this was the largest fall. We were walking on the path over the river and we could hear the thunderous noises. Once we got to this site, nothing in my imagination could have prepared me to even fathom this much water. It took my breath away. I get goosebumps just thinking about it now.
Just a random photo as I was walking in Iguazu, the city. These type of trash bins were also in Chile. I found them quite amusing.
Recoleta Cemetary:
Finally made it to Buenos Aires and met up with Sara. One of the tourist attractions is the Recoleta Cemetery. Recoleta is where the rich folks live like the Beverly Hills of Buenos Aires. This cemetery is where the rich and famous are buried. The graves were very ornate. Not sure why cats are always at cemeteries.
La Boca:
La Boca is the artsy neighborhood in Buenos Aires. The buildings are all sorts of colors.
Berkeley in BA:
It sure feels good to be with people you know so well. Saying our goodbyes before I head to South Africa. There aren't too many photos in Argentina because Buenos Aires is definitely a night city. We stayed up til 5am every night and slept all day. We made attempts to tour the city and we did see a lot of it, but more so at night.
If you do go to Buenos Aires and you are there on a Monday, you have to go to La Bomba de Tiempo. It probably was one of the most fun shows I have been to. Google it. The opening band played a violin guitar!!! Never seen one before and it sounds awesome.
La Bomba de Tiempo rocks!!!!