Friday, August 20, 2010

Military Men

Ok, so I was never really the type to like a guy because of the outfit he wears, but, seriously guys, the hottest Colombians I have seen thus far have been the men in green! yehahahaha.

And, these police are so flirtatious. And they are also everywhere there are tourists, especially in Bogotá, the capital. One incident was when I was walking on the street. Just woke up from a nap. Hair wild. Sleepy eyes. And in dire need of an empanada or buñelo. Police man whispers, well more of flat out says something, that I don´t understand and am quite too tired to think. He smiles. I think expecting some sort of answer. I say ¿Como?. And at that moment a bus was quite close as I was walking on the street. He nudges me aside, "Cuidado, corazon." Gives me a smile. I laugh. And back to my search for some food. Usually my interaction with police is the good ole staredown, maybe a smirk or two, asking for directions, etc. All have been quite pleasant. Let me clarify. It's not like I am talking to the police 24/7 just observing them.

I swear the police here are always smiling, staring, or gossiping. I see them take pictures of buildings, of marching bands, of their friends on duty. They just seem so relaxed. Not all of them even have weapons. They just wear the outfit. Every Colombian is supposed to have 1 year of military service. Not sure if that also applies to the women. My understanding could have been lost in translation.

I also went to the police museum and our tour guide sort of spoke English. He was so sweet and asked if we had facebook. Didn´t give out the info then, but we could always go back. Hmm, partying with Colombian police can be in the near future.

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